Another importance of custom lift-up flaps books

custom lift-up flaps book

1. Provide a variety of protection for the product during packaging to prevent damage during transportation

Good merchandise is the most basic condition for customer satisfaction. With the progress of science and technology, the components and circuit boards of electronic products are becoming more and more elaborate and complex. They cannot withstand external shocks, bumps, moisture, dust and grease, and should pay attention to high temperature and static electricity. On this basis, we recommend that you use corrugated boxes for outer packaging, some heavier products use honeycomb cardboard boxes, the edges should have gaskets, gaskets, gaskets and other protection, the internal use of foam with foam, broken foam to provide cushioning and fixing, some prominent or fragile parts use gasket materials, packing box filling, no gap, improve the vibration effect.

2. English instruction manual

Our buyers are almost all from English-speaking countries, and good audience positioning is the most basic and important part of the sales process. According to the survey, the evaluation of electronic products below three points is mainly due to the lack of instructions or English instructions, resulting in buyers not knowing how to assemble and use, resulting in bad reviews or returns. It is recommended to put the English manual into the product, so that the buyer feels very smooth, easy to leave praise, your product will also have a unique competitive advantage. Sellers can also create instruction videos, upload them to youtube and websites for free, and then place links in the instructions to help buyers quickly learn how to use the product.

3. Provide high quality pictures When people are addicted to Instagram and Facebook High quality pictures are the key to engaging everything on social media. Please ensure that your images displayed on the platform meet the following requirements: unambiguous, clear, original, clean; Shoot on a neutral background - usually black or white, depending on the effect the product can achieve;

Shoot your product from multiple angles. If yes, the internal structure of the product can be given; There are beautiful usage scenarios, or any picture that can show the function. Provide a reference to show the actual size of the product to avoid misjudgment by the buyer, leading to returns or negative reviews

4. Provide charged batteries

Electronics are naturally powered by electricity, and in addition to plugs, another common way is the battery. Sellers are often very happy when they receive their goods, and they are always eager to try new things. At this time, if your goods are in a charging state, buyers will certainly not be stingy with their five-star reviews. Assembling batteries for products also saves buyers the hassle of repurchasing battery pairs. For sellers, it's a packaged sale, and customers are often willing to spend more on items that contain batteries.

5. Product description should be as detailed and accurate as possible

Including the language supported by the device, whether it can connect to the network/TV, the electronic product model/plug standard matched by the external device, material, size, etc., to show the advantages of the product, avoid misleading due to unclear description of the item, and ultimately the buyer can not use it smoothly, resulting in adverse comments or returns.

6. Fast delivery of goods

No one wants to waste too much time waiting for delivery, and fast delivery also means a shorter time "loan cycle". According to our data, the shorter the time it takes for goods to arrive, the higher the probability of receiving a five-star review. Conversely, the longer it takes to get there, the higher the probability of getting a mediocre rating.

custom lift-up flaps book


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